Hull Lingo

The majority of people from Hull, having been born and bred, here will no doubt have a Hull dialect, accent or Yorkshire twang. Here are some common phrases, passed down through generations. From the times of the Anglo-Saxons, we are proud to speak the Hull lingo and people from all over the world recognise our pronunciation and we should be proud of our identity as Hullensians.

Am gunna - I am going to

Arm/Arv - I'm/ I have
Arfa Larga - A half of Lager
Avin a lot off - Being rude, having a go at someone
Aving -  Having
Avyer - Have you?
Ayer - Are you?
Bikkies - Biscuits
Breadcake - A bread roll, used for a sandwich
Bool - To push along a bike or pram
Bains - Children
Balling - Crying your eyes out
Bluddy Targers - Hull City lost again!
Bray - I'm going to kick you in, ie beat you up etc
Bit Short - I don't have much cash/money
Bruvva -  Brother
Bullyvard  - Boulevard
Shut yer cake hole - Shut your mouth
Canaborryit?  - Can I borrow it?
Chow at me - Telling me off or Shouting at me
Clairs - Clothes
Chuck It - Throw it away
Croggy - Giving a friend a ride on your bike
Cowled - Cold
Curlslur - Cold Slaw
Dernt Nerr - I don't know
Diddyfarndout? - Did he find anything?
Dinnit -  Didn't It? Did it not?
Doin' me ed in - Doing my head in, ie making me confused
Ellur - Hello
Ezzel Rerd - Hessle Road
Farv - Five, ie, It dunt take farvs ( it doesn't take 5p)
Fern Curl - Phone Call
Gerreer - Get here/ Come here now
Geroffme - Get of me/ Give me
Giz it ere - Give it here, give me it
Goin on rerd - Going on road
Gorra - Got a
Gorrit for Nowt  - I got it for nothing/for free
Gunna - Going to
Have a skeg - To have a look at something
It's Minanall - It's mine aswell
Jerkin - Joking
Kaylie  - Sherbert
Larkin - Playing outside
Lerd 'n Lerds  - Loads and loads/ Plenty
Lugs - Ears
Mafting - Really Hot/ Boiling
Merce Curd - Morse Code
Meolidiz - My Holidays
Mernin' - Moaning
Ner -  No
Err Nerr - Oh No!
Am Nithered - I'm Freezing
Kirk-a-Curler   - Coca Cola
Mi Mam - My Mam/Mother
Myrrh-bile - Mobile phone
Narn - Nine
Nebby - Nosey
Nerth Pearl - North Pole
Nowt - Nothing
Nowt in it - It's empty, there is nothing in it
Owt - Anything
Parta Marld - A glass of dark beer
Priny Key - Princes QuayShur up  - Shut up
Shurrup orral bray yer   - Shut up now or I will punch you
Siling down - It's raining (heavy)
Smerl -  Small
Smerkin - Smoking
Snerr  - Snow
Spanish - Liquorice
Summatup? -  Is Something wrong?
Surfer - Sofa
Tadsad - A folding pushchair
Taffled - Tangled hair/rope/wool etc
Tarrah -  Goodbye/ See ya
Tekking a Brek - Taking a break
Terld-a-merl - I told them all
Tenfoot -  A 10 foot wide road at the back of houses, usually to a garage
Turd-Stool - Toad Stool
Twagging Off -  Being of school when your not supposed to be, faking illness etc
Yerolidiz - Your Holidays
Yiss - Yes
Yon End - The Other End
Yon Side - The Other Side/ Over There


  1. Who ever wrote these aint from Hull

  2. Some are OK but they can't spell hull werds correctly 😆
